Cadence makes acoustic monitoring easier

Why choose Cadence?

Cadence is an environmental noise monitoring platform designed for all those who need to manage noise pollution in the environment.

Cadence: where measurement is effortless, saving you time for what matters most – Your core business.

A single platform to manage all your needs

One-off and continuous measurements
record management, automatic report generation, Artificial intelligence embedded
the condition of the equipment, the noise level on all sound level meters
the right people at the right time with actionable information
via a private or public website accessible to all stakeholders

A solution that can be customised to suit your objectives

Compliance with emission limits
Regulatory monitoring and complaint management
Acceptability of your activities
Best compromise between productivity and noise emissions
Improving people's well-being
Noise reduction plans

Cadence for Cities

Cadence is the definitive solution for cultivating a quieter environment. Our comprehensive approach is tailored to provide cities with the tools they need to tackle the pervasive issue of noise pollution head-on. By offering reliable and objective data on noise pollution levels, our solution equips municipalities with the knowledge required to make informed decisions.

Moreover, Cadence actively promotes and communicates the proactive measures taken to combat noise pollution, fostering greater awareness among the public regarding the associated risks. With our platform, urban planners can also gauge the real impact of new urbanization plans or environmental activities, ensuring that cities evolve harmoniously with their acoustic landscapes. In essence, Cadence is your partner in transforming urban living into a quieter, more peaceful experience for all.

What are the key features?

  • No compromise on measurement quality – Class 1
  • Robust solution: no discontinuity in measurements
  • Communication protocols adhering to cybersecurity standards
  • Real-time acoustic data
  • Platform adaptable to user profiles
  • Real-time email and SMS alerts on sound levels and system malfunctions
  • Possibility of audio recording to characterise an acoustic event


  • Automatic recognition and deletion of voice recordings for RGPD compliance
  • Artificial intelligence to support decision-making
  • Easy data export
  • Customisable public consultation site
  • Simple handling of acoustic alerts
  • Integrate automatically data in public website to cross Nosie data with other indicators

Cadence for construction sites

Cadence empowers you to efficiently manage noise emissions within the field, ensuring a harmonious coexistence with the surrounding environment. With its advanced origin identification capabilities, and an embedded artificial intelligence, Cadence enables you to isolate and distinguish your construction site noise from other ambient sounds. By anticipating potential overruns, Cadence allows you to take proactive measures, avoiding disruptions and maintaining project timelines. Additionally, the platform facilitates community engagement by providing real-time updates to local residents via a public website, minimizing the likelihood of complaints and fostering goodwill. Moreover, Cadence streamlines the monitoring of your acoustic equipment, automating the process and ensuring its optimal condition at all times. Elevate your construction site management and experience the difference in noise control and project efficiency.

What are the key features?

  • No compromise on measurement quality – Class 1
  • Robust solution: no discontinuity in measurements
  • Interface tailored to the needs of each user: site managers, acoustic stakeholders, local residents, project managers, etc.
  • Real-time email and SMS alerts on sound levels and system malfunctions
  • Easy handling of acoustic alerts


  • Real-time acoustic data
  • Possibility of audio recording to characterise an acoustic event
  • Artificial intelligence to support decision-making
  • Automatic reports capability with high level of customization and automation
  • Customisable public consultation site for communicaiton
  • Communication protocols adhering to cybersecurity standards with high reliability

Cadence for industry

With Cadence, you can precisely measure the acoustic emissions of your industrial activities, allowing for enhanced control and mitigation. Striking the perfect equilibrium between productivity, employee well-being, and community acceptance has never been easier. Cadence empowers you to transform your business area into a more harmonious and enjoyable place for all stakeholders. Elevate your industry’s performance while fostering a conducive environment for sustainable growth with Cadence for Industry.

What are the key features?

  • No compromise on measurement quality – Class 1 approved (legally binding)
  • Robust solution: no discontinuity in measurements
  • Acoustic data can be easily integrated into your own tools
  • Customisable interface for different profiles
  • Real-time email and SMS alerts on acoustic levels or system malfunctions


  • Easier handling of acoustic alerts
  • Real-time acoustic data
  • Possibility of audio recording to characterise an acoustic event
  • Artificial intelligence to support decision-making: it recognizes the source of noise
  • Automatic reports
  • Communication protocols adhering to cybersecurity standards

Cadence in figures :


subscription renewal rate


number of clic to pair a device


the production date of the oldest device Compatible with Cadence

Cadence for wind farms

Cadence offers an unparalleled means to strike the perfect equilibrium between productivity and harmonious coexistence with the environment and neighbouring residents. With Cadence, you can significantly diminish the expenses associated with your measurement campaigns, thus bolstering your operational efficiency. Furthermore, our cutting-edge technology empowers you to optimize your clamping plans, ensuring maximum performance and resource utilization. Most importantly, Cadence fosters an environment conducive to community acceptance, aligning your wind farm operations with the broader societal and environmental objectives. Elevate your wind farm’s sustainability and efficiency with Cadence.

What are the key features?

  • No compromise on measurement quality – Class 1 approved (legally binding)
  • Robust solution: no discontinuity in measurements
  • Real-time monitoring of acoustic measurements with wind conditions suynchrenously
  • Acoustic data can be easily integrated into your own tools
  • Real-time email and SMS alerts on sound levels and system malfunctions


  • Possibility of replaying events to distinguish important events in your measurement campaigns
  • Artificial intelligence to support decision-making
  • Automated reports dedicated to your application
  • Customisable public consultation site
  • Communication protocols adhering to cybersecurity standards

Cadence for airports

Cadence, a revolutionary product designed to address the concerns of local residents, seamlessly couples precise noise measurements with individual flight paths whatever is the size of the airport: from the small structure to the international hub the noise pollution is tackled with Cadence.
By dissecting the impact of aircraft models, flight plans, and approach procedures on noise levels, Cadence empowers airports to optimize their operations while drastically reducing noise pollution. Furthermore, Cadence fosters community engagement and understanding, allowing for better neighbour relations and enhanced acceptance of airport activities. Elevate your airport’s performance and improve the quality of life for your community with Cadence.

What are the key features?

  • No compromise on measurement quality – Class 1 approved (legally binding)
  • Robust solution: no discontinuity in measurements
  • Synchronised acoustic and weather data that can be consulted in real time
  • Acoustic data can be easily integrated into your own tools
  • Customisable public consultation site; real-time display of the noise emitted by each aircraft
  • Real-time email and SMS alerts on sound levels and system malfunctions


  • Simplified processing of acoustic alerts
  • Real-time acoustic data
  • Possibility of replaying events to distinguish important events in your measurement campaigns
  • Artificial intelligence to support decision-making
  • Automated reports
  • Communication protocols adhering to cybersecurity standards

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